The Cuomo excuse
Some people take the "Cuomo excuse" on abortion, the invented doctrine of the has-been New York democrat politician Mario Cuomo, who tries to reconcile his Catholic Christian faith with his view of the radical separation doctrine dominant in American politics today
"I find abortion to be horrible" some have said. "I could personally never do it, but I have no right to tell anyone else that she cannot do it."
In other words, the power of society cannot be used to protect innocent and defenseless human life against the greed and impatience of other more powerful human life.
Some would do their best to talk an expectant mother out of abortion, but affirm Mario Cuomo's doctrine that no one has the "right" to prevent a mother from killing her unborn baby. In fact, if I heard right, some have even extended the Roman principle of "paterfamilias" to the period shortly after birth if it is determined that the child is "defective."
Apparently, the freedom of some human life, parents, is on a higher plane than that of other human life, helpless children. This is a logically contradictory position, unless one pretends that the unborn - and newly born - are not really people but only "things."
Or, in other words, human life begins only when I want my child.
Either we are all persons or we are not. If we are all joined by this one
characteristic, that spans all differences of age and sex, race and
nationality, wealth and poverty, health and sickness, then for anyone of us to announce the "unpersonhood" of another is not individual freedom, it is unfreedom.
Why is this important? Because the two men who were vying for the White House represent radically different views on the value and protection of human life.
Vice President Al Gore, as a democrat, feels that human beings are only useful tools, stairsteps to his own power. Bush recognizes the intrinsic value of human life, the creativity, goodness, and need for freedom of real human beings.
I ask you to pray for Bush to be inaugurated and to lead this country out of the culture of death. Until then we have a hole in our soul that needs to be healed.
December 2000