Upstairs window
"Excuse me, but I must go and shoot that ground hog," Alice said as she snatched the .35 Marlin from its rack and departed upstairs. The visitor stared in disbelief at the ground hog in the garden outside. Had she lost her mind? The 'hog was outside -- not in the upstairs bedroom. Presently he heard a sharp report from upstairs. Instantly the ground hog dropped dead.
As usual, a crack shot with many ground hogs to her credit; she had felled the pesky varmint with the first shot. Turns out they keep the upstairs window unlatched and the screen out for just such occasions. The 'hogs are always spooked as soon as the back door is opened, and there is a better view of the garden from upstairs.
Whether it's 'coons in the hen house or groundhogs in the garden, shooting varmints is a constant concern for these country folks. Early into their life in the woods they were bothered occasionally by varmints of the human variety. The frequent sound of gunfire from their place and the barest of hints that they have the backup of firearms to enforce their demand for a tranquil life have kept away any trouble. For the friendly guest is welcomed with great hospitality.
And this is the way it used to be in America. Primary law enforcement was in the hands of the householder and went hand in hand with an openness and generous spirit that made American hospitality known around the world.
With a government of limited powers instituted to recognize the right to self-defense, a "well armed citizenry" has often made the difference between a life of fear and subjugation for the citizen and the self-confidence that makes generosity and openness possible. Already in urban American our citizens have had the right to self-protection stripped -- and the resulting decline in hospitality and manners is evident.
For no society has even been without those few who live on the fringes --or even outside of the law. And many citizens of many lands have lived in fear of a tiny minority who, either without or within the law, terrorized the majority.
In Kosovo where a ten-percent minority of Serbs effectively held the majority Kosovars in a state of terror -- even before the ill-advised NATO attack -- gun ownership was not allowed the ordinary subject.
The Serbs are the "legitimate" government of Kosovo, and the ethnic Albanian Kosovars have no legal defense against them. In America, a land of increasing lawlessness we face a situation that will result in the same effect-- the slaughter of the many by the few.
We too have a governing class of less than ten percent that holds the nation in thrall of its power. By, among other abuses, its refusal to rid us of the most corrupt President in the history of the land this elite has shown that it obeys no law but its own power. Power, not the principle of law, now reigns supreme in the land.
Now the Second Amendment becomes increasingly important to protect the rights of the majority against the tyranny of the minority. But steps are being taken now to rid of us that "pesky" obstacle to the power of the elites to form us all into their "one world" vision of sameness.
Contrary to what they say, the elites do not revere "diversity" but want a homogenous world full of compliant subjects they can control for the benefit of their own power and that of the handful of giant multinational corporations they control. This is why they would not arm the Kosovars for their own defense.
Only a "New World Order" government like NATO should be trusted with weapons. But every nation that has recently confiscated firearms from its citizens has seen lawlessness increase and crime skyrocket. And nations that confiscate firearms slide into tyranny.
But Americans have a habit of resisting tyranny. Millions of folks like Alice will not give up guns willingly, and any attempt at forced confiscation would result in civil war. So the elites go at it gradually. We can only hope that enough "Alices" resist to save us all.
Any congressman helping the elites to erode our freedom further and take more steps towards confiscation of our guns commits an act of treason against our Constitution and our people.