Liberalism spreads violence
The unfortunate statement "Our country was founded on violence, it's the American way!" is an oft repeated but vicious slander! America was founded upon the opposite of violence - Biblical principles, and the desire for freedom from oppression. What is violent is modern liberalism that spreads the culture of darkness and death to all corners of our land.
That the vision of the Founders was not carried out perfectly - is obvious. That liberals have no vision-except self-destruction - is equally obvious. If children are increasingly violent it is not our original vision at fault but liberalism that has won the day. Proof of that victory lies in the repetition of the anti-American lie that we are somehow inherently any more violent than any other people. Our settlers escaped 100 years of religious and political violence in Europe and England. Were they perfect? No, only human. In spite of America's many failings, she has mirrored justice and decency better than any other nation. But we are fast throwing away that heritage of decency - in the name of a phony "freedom" to behave badly.
Guns were never seen as "part of our heritage" but only a necessary means for preserving liberty. It is man's sin - not some particularized "heritage" that demands the force of arms to keep the "bad guys" at bay. Objecting to that fact does not somehow make us more "peaceful" but gives license to those who lack any constraint upon their behavior.
In my childhood I knew where my father kept his guns - unlocked and loaded. Even though my brother and I played "Cowboys and Indians" with cap pistols, it never occurred to any of us to actually harm another human being. We still breathed at least the vapors of Christian charity and had both our parents at home.
Children always test the limits we impose on their behavior - but need restraint. Self-indulgent and absent parents have replaced themselves with violent fantasies shown on the television. In the government propaganda centers values are replaced by having children make up their own minds as to right and wrong. To force children to make adult decisions, to strip away their "guard rails," is to commit a kind of violence upon them. Missing parents, liberal teachers, and anti-culture media cause child violence-not the mere presence of inanimate objects (guns). With no real loving guidance, no wonder children are violent.